
Essential Oils and Your Health at Roller Kingdom

When you come through our entry at the Tyngsboro Roller Kingdom, we want you to enjoy the whole experience. For that reason, we have added a doTerra Essential Oils diffuser. Some believe that one way to help relax is through the use of essential oils. The scents of lavender, sandalwood, ginger root, lemongrass, peppermint, bergamot, patchouli, and cinnamon are meant to be relaxing.

TyngsboroWe realize that at Roller Kingdom, we have skaters of all ages and all ability ranges. We also have a fair amount of bystanders that enjoy watching their children skate during birthday parties. Not only do we like to provide an environment that is great for relaxing in amongst skaters zooming back and forth, but we also like to provide an environment that helps keep everyone healthy.

After all, essential oils can be used for relaxation purposes, and for disinfecting the air with the use of a diffuser. Eucalyptus, Ravensara, and Tea Tree oils all have potential for helping to kill germs through disinfecting the air, boosting the immune system, and treating cold and flu.

In addition to providing a healthy environment with the use of essential oils, we also would like to remind you that there are numerous health benefits associated with roller skating. These are our top three favorite:

  • One hour of roller skating can burn 600 calories
  • Skating causes 50% less impact on your joints than running or jogging
  • The American Heart Association recommends skating as aerobic exercise to strengthen the heart

Still not convinced that roller skating at Roller Kingdom is one of the best ways to keep your health about you? Come on out and try out a session, we dare you!

Teens and Tweens Love to Party On!

Ain’t no party like a roller skating party at Roller Kingdom! When it comes time to celebrate the beginning of the teen years, that Sweet 16, or a fun spin on a cincoñera, Roller Kingdom is the place to be! Our special Teen Party Package has all you could want for those that are a little older.

At Hudson, this party package is available from 7-10pm on Friday nights! Sometimes we like to call this our Twilight Party as well, cause let’s face it, some of our Generation Y’ers like to get things rolling a little later in the day! Birthday party teenagers

At Tyngsboro, you can choose from Friday or Saturday from 7-11pm. Both locations include the same things that party goers of all ages are sure to enjoy!

Included in the Teen Party Package:

  • admission and skate rental
  • unlimited Pepsi products
  • 1 game of laser tag
  • 2 slices of pizza per person
  • reserved party tables and paper products

Tag your Hit!

Laser tag is always fun, and when you’re the birthday guest of honor, there is really no place to run! You’ll have all of your friends after you in our laser tag obstacle course. Only time will tell who will have the victory in the end!

Race to the Finish Line!

You can participate in roller skating games during your party or just enjoy skating with friends. Regardless of how you choose to skate the night away, we know that you’ll have fun rolling into the next year of life at Roller Kingdom!

Call us today to book your party or book online with the rink of your choice!

Book at Tyngsboro

Book at Hudson

A FUNdraiser Night at Roller Kingdom

Roller Kingdom has been a fixture in communities of Hudson and Tyngsboro for over 35 years! Our family owned rink recognizes that we are a part of the community, and we love to be able to partner with various schools through fundraising initiatives.

In addition to partnering with schools for fundraisers, we are also able to help support fundraising initiatives of various non-profits and organizations.

Is Your School or Organization in Search of Extra Funds?Roller Kingdom

If you are brainstorming for ways to earn extra funds, we’d love to partner with your non-profit! Partnering with Roller Kingdom is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Here’s what you need to know to get started!

  1. Pick a location and a date

Roller Kingdom is available for private rink rental and fundraising on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays in Hudson and on Mondays and Tuesdays in Tyngsboro. Additional days of the week may be available as well. Take a look at your calendar and find a date that works for you.

  1. Book your event

After determining your date (and a few alternatives) give the rink a call in order to book your fundraising event.

Call Hudson’s Roller Kingdom at (978) 562-3439

Call Tyngsboro’s Roller Kingdom at (978) 649-3439

  1. Advertise!

You get a larger profit with more people attending your event. Therefore, it is important to get the word out and invite as many people as possible. We recommend all of the following for a successful fundraiser:

  • Create fliers to send home with students and potential participants
  • Create a Facebook event on your school, PTA, or organization Facebook page
  • Get the word out using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and whatever other social channels you are using
  • Post yard signs reminding parents in carpool lines or pulling in and out of school that your Roller Kingdom Skate Night is coming up!

For more helpful fundraising information, read our fundraising page. We hope that your school or organization is able to take advantage of this great fundraising opportunity with Roller Kingdom!

Skating Your Way to Fitness in the New Year

The holidays are over and the New Year is here, which means it’s time to start working on those New Year’s resolutions! Health and fitness is at the top of most people’s lists, as the beginning of the year signifies a chance to regroup, start new, and put into action that diet or fitness program you’ve been meaning to try. While enthusiasm to get fit is at its highest in the first few months of the New Year, many of these goals will fall through as spring and summer time approaches. Most people contribute their downfalls to lack of time, pricey gym costs, and plain boredom with the same fitness routine. If you’re finding yourself bored with your cookie cutter gym workouts, it’s time to consider new, fun, and exciting alternatives to boost your heart rate up and burn those calories!

Add skating into your New Year's fitness routine!

In today’s busy world, the key to fitness success is making exercise an entertaining activity that you can enjoy with friends and family. Roller Kingdom offers just that, as a place where fun and fitness come together. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to workout AND have fun. Instead of going for a jog, come visit Roller Kingdom for a few hours of skating and laser tag with friends and family.

Skating Benefits

  • Roller skating is a great aerobic exercise that works many muscles in the body, including your heart
  • It can be enjoyed for people of all ages from 3-93
  • Rain or shine activity
  • Fun way to get kids to exercise too

Try switching up your routine and add roller skating to your fitness plan! It’s a fun substitute to traditional aerobic workouts that the whole family can enjoy. Don’t know how to skate? No problem. Roller Kingdom offers lessons for all ages!


New Year’s Party at Roller Kingdom

Roll in the new year with a New Year’s Party at Roller Kingdom! We’re throwing a little twist on things as we ring in the new year a little early cause we know how to party at Roller Kingdom!

Modified Countdown Screen Shot 2015-12-23 at 3.28.44 PM

While over a million people crowd in to Times Square in New York City to countdown the final hours, minutes, and seconds of 2015 and celebrate the new year at the stroke of midnight, we’ll be celebrating a little earlier in the day. This is perfect for younger children that won’t be able to make it til midnight, families that want to celebrate together during the day and then take advantage of a baby sitter for an adult date night, and for those that have to work. Our stroke of midnight will take place at 3pm EST.

Screen Shot 2015-12-23 at 3.28.55 PM Hottest Hits

We’ll celebrate our version of counting down to the new year with a countdown of the top hits of 2015. We know that there have been several songs this year that have been requested time after time with our Roller Kingdom DJs, but do you know what the top hits are nationwide? Find out what the top hits are and countdown with us on roller skates during our daytime New Year’s Eve Party celebration.

Our daytime New Year’s Party will be taking place from 1-5pm. All of the things that make a New Year’s Party great will be provided including hats, leis, and noisemakers! Don’t forget that at Roller Kingdom you’ll also be celebrating with roller skating, laser tag, an arcade, and if you want, karaoke! We hope to see you and your family and friends out for our daytime New Year’s Party at Roller Kingdom this New Year’s Eve!


Christmas Vacation Fun for Everyone!

When school’s out we’re open! We follow the Tyngsborough Public Schools and Hudson Public Schools calendars to know when school is out so that we can open our doors for additional hours. After all, we know that students and many teachers alike eagerly await the break. While a break is nice from school, it is nice to have something fun to do and that’s why we’re happy to open for our extended Christmas Vacation hours at Roller Kingdom!

Open DailyChristmas Break Skate (1)

Our roller skating rink, laser tag arena, and arcade will be open daily from 1-5pm beginning on December 28 and running through January 3. Please note that on Friday, January 1st we will not be hosting our 4-6:30 Pizza Supper Skate session as our 1-5 session will be running during this time.

Star Wars

The Force Awakens has been packing out theaters everywhere! Celebrate the fun with Roller Kingdom on Tuesday, December 29 from 1-5pm for our Star Wars Day! Anyone wearing Star Wars attire will receive $2 off admission, and Princess Leia will be making a scheduled visit. Roller Skating in Star Wars gear is only half of the fun as your imagination can run wild in our laser tag arena. Will you be hiding and dodging shots from friends or from stormtroopers? Only you will decide!

Admission is FREE for Parents

Parents are admitted for free during our 1-5pm Christmas Vacation skate sessions. Skate rental is only $3 for parents should you choose to skate. Otherwise you are welcome to hang out and enjoy our family friendly environment while overseeing your little ones as they enjoy tons of holiday skating fun!

We can’t wait to have you and your friends and family out to Roller Kingdom during our Christmas Vacation skating hours. Don’t forget to tag us with your pictures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with #rollerkingdom and #comerollwithus.

Star Wars Day

We’re calling all Star Wars fans and inviting you to join us at Roller Kingdom‘s Star Wars Day. Yes, we are celebrating the season and the record breaking release of the newest Star Wars movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, with roller skating!

We know that the love that fans have for Star Wars rarely stops when the movie is over, so roll on in with your favorite Star Wars attire on the 29th of December and enjoy $2 off skating admission.

May The Force Be With YouSTAR WARS DAY (1)

Test your hand at the force with an epic game of laser tag while visiting on our Star Wars Day. It only takes a little imagination for our laser tag arena to transform from the traditional laser tag environment into a real life Star Wars experience. After all, you’ll not be battling your friends in the arena, you’ll most likely be battling stormtroopers and others that are dressed in their Star Wars gear and ready for battle.

Meet Princess Leia

Princess Leia will be joining us during our Star Wars Day. We’re guessing that she’ll be wearing her iconic double buns on the sides of her head. If you’d like to dress up as Princess Leia, there are actually tutorials on how to create the same classic hairstyle.

In addition to Princess Leia (and perhaps her many look alikes) we’re sure that we’ll see many other Star Wars characters as well. Who are you planning on joining us as during our Star Wars Day?

Special Events at Roller Kingdom!

This December we’ve got events that you won’t want to miss at Roller Kingdom in Tyngsboro and Hudson! Take a look at the details below and make sure you put these exciting events on your calendar!

Santa Claus is Coming to TownRoller Kingdom

If the thought of Santa Claus coming to town doesn’t have you humming along with the song, then we hope that the thought of him coming to Roller Kingdom will! You know that it is a holiday tradition to have your pictures taken with the big guy himself, so bring the kids on by from 1-5pm on Sunday, December 20th for pictures with Santa Claus!

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like…Star Wars

Yep, we’ve taken notice with everyone else that Star Wars is a major theme for gifts this holiday season. With the newest installment, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, set to hit the big screens on December 19, we know that Star Wars fans young and old will want to keep the momentum going. You’ll have the opportunity to do just that at Roller Kingdom on Tuesday, December 29. We’ll be hosting our Star Wars Day from 1-5pm. Guests arriving with their Star Wars apparel will recieve $2 off admission. Come on out and sign up for a game of laser tag, with your imagination at work you’ll be in the movie itself. And while you’re here, keep a special eye out for Princess Leia because we’re expecting her to drop by for a special visit!

Roll in the New Year at Roller Kingdom

The end of the year is quickly approaching. We can’t think of a better way to bring in the new year other than celebrating at Roller Kingdom. We know that young ones and those that have to work can’t enjoy the midnight festivities, so we’ve moved our celebration a little earlier in the day! We’re hosting a special roller skating session from 1-5pm on December 31. Our midnight countdown will actually take place at 3pm to ring in the new year a little early. While this isn’t the real midnight, we’ll make it feel like it is with party hats, noisemakers, and a countdown of the top music from 2015!

We’re looking forward to these fun filled events this December. Keep up with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all of the latest from Roller Kingdom!

Ready for Some Family Time?

Thanksgiving week happens to be National Family Week. Many groups and organizations, such as the Boys and Girls Club of America and the Kimberly Clark Corporation, encourage families to spend time together during the week of Thanksgiving. This family time could include a multitude of activities. Some example ideas include:

  • Family Game Night
  • Family Volunteering Opportunity (such as at a local food pantry or other non-profit organization)
  • Family Movie Night
  • Family Skate Night

Of course these are just a few ideas as the sky’s the limit when it comes to how you and your family choose to spend time together.

Family Time at Roller Kingdom

We’ve got several ways to encourage family time at Roller Kingdom in Tyngsboro and Hudson. Two of our favorites include our Wednesday Night Dollar Skate Night and our Friday Pizza Supper Skate. We know that families are often so busy, and that sometime family outings can be expensive, so both of these events are designed for family fun on a budget!Happy Thanksgiving

Dollar Night

The price is in the title! On Wednesdays, you only have to pay one dollar for your admission! Wednesday’s in Hudson run from 6-9pm and admission is just $1! In Tyngsboro are the same with the event running from 6-9pm and admission being just $1. Skate rental is $3 if you are renting!

Pizza Supper Skate

It’s the end of the work week and you don’t want to cook. Or do dishes. We’ve got you covered! Join us at Roller Kingdom from 4-6:30 on Fridays for our Pizza Supper Skate! For $6 you get a slice of pizza, a soda, admission, and skate rental*!

Don’t miss out on the opportunities for family time during the week of Thanksgiving and throughout the year at Roller Kingdom! Post your family skating pics on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

*Prices vary the week of Thanksgiving

Black Friday Event at Roller Kingdom

The diehard shoppers delight in the day after Thanksgiving sales. Most people know this day as Black Friday. While this annual tradition has crept into the pre-dawn hours of the Friday after Thanksgiving, we respect the fact that school is closed and parents and students alike can sleep in! We won’t make you wake up crazy early for our Black Friday Sale. Instead, you can sleep in, and then come skate off the turkey and mashed potatoes you ate the day before!

Skate Sale

Visit our skate shop from 12-9pm on Black Friday for 20% off!

We will be open on Black Friday from 1-5pm at both locations for you to burn off thos Thanksgiving calories. In addition to roller skating you can get the perfect gift for the roller skater in your life by taking advantage of the Great Skate Rebate. All you have to do is purchase a pair of new skates, and we’ll return the same amount spent in free skating passes! That’s right, you spend $100 on skates, you get $100 in FREE skating! So, if you’re thinking Christmas and someone in your life loves to skate, we can’t think of a better gift, or a better deal! Roller skates make great Christmas presents!

Of course, you can take advantage of the Great Skate Rebate any time, so you don’t have to wait for Black Friday! However, we do want you to know that in addition to skating on Black Friday, we are offering 20% off all of our skates in the skate shop and our skate shop will be open from 12-9pm on Black Friday! Don’t forget to share #rollerkingdom on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with all of your friends that we’ll be here the day after Thanksgiving for tons of fun!